infrared sauna

January 14, 2024

What to Do Before and After a Halotherapy Session 🛁

What to Do Before and After a Halotherapy Session 1. Preparing for Your Halotherapy Session Do’s: Eat Lightly: Have a light meal…

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December 18, 2023

Sauna for relieving and preventing cold and flu symptoms.

Are you tired of relying on over-the-counter medications for cold and flu relief? Consider saunas. Used for centuries to address various ailments,…

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December 13, 2023

Breathing Easy: Halotherapy and the Soothing Relief for Your Child’s Allergies

For mothers navigating the challenges of parenting, few things are as distressing as seeing their children struggle with allergies. Runny noses, itchy…

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August 9, 2022

Infrared or Sunshine…It’s not just about Vitamin D!

The benefits of vitamin D from the sun is arguably one of the most discussed topics in healthcare today.  Sunshine, however, has…

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